
Kofi A. Agyarko

Kofi A. Agyarko is a career public servant with 19 years of experience successfully building compliance and monitoring programs for appliance energy efficiency and responsible management of recycling and waste. Since 2018, Mr. Agyarko has been Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Ghana Energy Commission. He has been particularly successful in partnering with Ghanaian and African regional and national authorities, a skill that is particularly important in light of the interdisciplinary nature of refrigeration and other energy-using appliance lifecycle management. In particular, Mr. Agyarko partners with the Ghana National Ozone Unit on Montreal Protocol compliance and other matters involving the HCFC phaseout and pending HFC phase down. He is a member of the Energy Efficiency Task Force (EETF) of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) of the Montreal Protocol. Mr. Agyarko also chairs the Cool Coalition working group on used product imports to Africa and features regularly on multinational initiatives like the Vienna Energy Forum (VEF) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Yosr Allouche

Succeeding Didier Coulomb, whose dedication marked two decades of exemplary service, Dr Allouche, a Norwegian-Tunisian world-renowned refrigeration scientist, was nominated at the 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration in Paris, France, where she outshone her French competitor, Yannick Mathieu. 

With 13 years’ experience and unrivalled expertise, Dr Allouche will take up her new role on October 1, 2024, bringing an innovative vision and unwavering commitment to the IIR. 

Expressing her gratitude at the announcement of her appointment, Dr Allouche said: “It is with immense pride and gratitude that I take on this high-level role. As a refrigeration scientist, it is an immeasurable honour to be elected as the first woman to succeed the line of eminent leading figures of the IIR. I pledge to devote all my passion, skills and knowledge to our organisation, its member countries and its members to make the IIR shine throughout the world.” 

Currently head of projects at the IIR, Dr Allouche holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and authored an impressive number of publications in scientific journals, guides and reports. She previously stood out as a research scientist in refrigeration technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and has been a visiting Associate Professor at NTNU since 2021. 

The future looks bright for the IIR under the visionary management of Dr Yosr Allouche, a leader who embodies excellence and innovation in the refrigeration world. 

Stephen O. Andersen

Dr. Stephen O. Andersen is Director of Research at IGSD. At University of California, Berkeley he participated in the 1974 assessment of super-sonic transport (SST) on stratospheric ozone. From 1986 to 2009, Dr. Andersen advanced in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to positions including Director of Strategic Climate Projects and Deputy Director of the Stratospheric Protection Division and was EPA Liaison to the Department of Defense (DoD) on climate and ozone protection. He created EPA’s first voluntary partnerships in food packaging, motor vehicle air conditioning, electronics, aerospace, fire protection and more; and he created and managed the EPA Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Protection Awards. For the Montreal Protocol, he founded and co-chaired the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) from 1988 through 2012 and for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he was senior manager and author of reports.

Marco Azzolin

Marco Azzolin obtained his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering in 2016. Since June 2021,
he is a researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova. His research activities focus on the study of two-phase heat transfer, with particular attention to the use of low global warming potential refrigerants. He has investigated the effect of gravity on condensation within channels as part of ESA (European Space Agency) projects.
He is also working on the development and study of refrigeration systems and innovative heat pumps that can use different heat sources (air source, solar source and ground source).

Marco Buoni

Marco Buoni is an expert in refrigeration, air conditioning and capacity building, furthermore leading training activities related to certification and best practices throughout Europe. Since 2004 he’s been appointed as Technical Director of Centro Studi Galileo – CSG, the most renowned training centre in Italy for the entire HVAC/R industry; he is furthermore the Secretary General of the Italian Association of Refrigeration Technicians – ATF. Since 2010 he’s been actively involved in the Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association – AREA, first as Vice President International Affairs and, starting 2018, as President. Mr. Buoni is greatly active in awareness rising and capacity building by leading training events (i.e. courses, seminars, workshops…), international projects, conferences and much more about HVAC/R technologies worldwide, counting up to 300 events per year for over 3000 participants. Mr. Buoni is moreover a trainer on behalf of the United Nations, giving his contribution with particular focus on the progress of the RAC sector in developing countries, and collaborates with the European Commission in addressing the international sectoral policies.

Ana Maria Carreño

Ana Maria Carreño leads CLASP’s climate program, working with governments and partners around the world to implement ambitious energy efficiency policies for high-priority appliances. Some of her work at CLASP includes the development of a regional policy roadmap to facilitate harmonization of minimum energy performance standards for room air conditioners in ASEAN and co-authoring the United for Efficiency (U4E) Policy Guide Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-Efficient and Climate Friendly Air Conditioners. Ana also leads the Clean Lighting Coalition, offering strategic guidance on international engagement in the effort to phase out mercury-containing lamps. Originally from Colombia, Ana has studied and lived abroad in France and Mauritius, where she found her calling in energy efficiency. She holds a Master of Science degree in project management for environmental and energy engineering from Ecole des Mines de Nantes.

Riccardo Conte

Riccardo Conte graduated in Energy Engineering from the University of Padova in 2021. Since October 2021, he is a PhD student in the Department of Industrial Engineering. His research focuses on the study of heat pumps for hot water production using natural refrigerants such as CO2 and propane, with particular attention to compressor performance. He is working on the study of innovative dual-source solar-air heat pumps. He has also the performance of some low-GWP refrigerants in a scroll compressor and examined the effect of suction superheating on propane-oil solubility in a reciprocating compressor.

Didier Coulomb

Didier Coulomb was born on September 30, 1960 in Paris, France. He is a qualified engineer of the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris (1982) and the Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (1984), and of the Institut des Stratégies Industrielles (1995). After internships, in particular in the Food industry, he worked for the French Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in the North of France and Paris (Departmental Directorate for Agriculture and Forestry, Commissariat Général au Plan, General Department for food questions) in which he was more specifically in charge of technology and innovation (1984-1993). He then worked at the French Research Ministry, in particular as Deputy Director for innovation and technological development (1994-2002). He was then General Secretary of the CIRAD (Centre for General Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development), a French centre of research for developing countries, till 2004. Since, Didier Coulomb is the Director General of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), an intergovernmental organisation comprising 58 Member countries and many private and corporate members. The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is a forum for scientific and technical exchange of information in all refrigeration areas and applications (food, medicine, air conditioning, transport, energy…), employing 12 people, with a worldwide network of 500 experts and dealing with:

  • Conference organisation.
  • Communications for United Nations organs and global conferences on the environment (climate change, ozone depletion) and food.
  • Publications of journals, guides, courses, informatory notes, constitution and management of databases.

Stephen Cowperthwaite

Steve currently works for UNEPs U4E team as a consultant delivering specialist support for the Centre’s of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold-Chains Programme of work. He has over 20 years in the UK Government leading high profile international policies and programmes spanning international policies on climate change, waste and food safety, with a specialisation in the cooling sector. Over the last 6 years, he has been the UK lead for the Montreal Protocol as the head of the international team responsible for protection of the ozone layer and phase down of fluorinated greenhouse gases at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He oversaw the development of a programme of activities funded through Overseas Development Aid totaling over £21m to advance cooling and cold chain solutions in developing and emerging economies. Steve’s expertise includes building effective relationships across a broad cohort of international partners including UN agencies, governments, industry, civil society and academia often involving complex negotiations to achieve robust formal agreements and follow-on implementation.

Odete de Almeida

Maria Odete de Almeida is a Mechanical Engineer and Physical Building Engineer. She attended Carrier University, Syracuse in 1997. She is an HVACR designer at PQF Engenheiros Consultores, which she co-founded in 1999. Professor at the Porto Polytechnic Institute since 2006. President of the Portuguese Association of Industrial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Engineers (2019-2021). President of the Ibero-American Associations of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (2020-2022). She is currently responsible for student activities at the Portugal Chapter of ASHRAE and a member of INWIC (International Network of Women in Cooling).

Vincent de Badereau

Vincent de Badereau holds an Engineer Master degree in Energy and Environment from the ECE Paris School and a Specialized Masters in International Management.

After first experience from 2019 to 2021 in the waste management sector, he joined  in 2021 the association EPEE (European Partnership for Energy and the Environment) which is the European association representing the Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump sector. As policy advisor, he is in charge of the Refrigerants Working Group, leading the discussions on the EU F-gas Regulation Revision. The different topics he already covered include recovery, recycling and reclamation of refrigerants, training and certification, leak checks, restrictions on placing on the market, labelling…

Davide Del Col

Davide Del Col got a PhD in Energetics and is now Full Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova. His research is focused on phase change heat transfer processes (filmwise and dropwise condensation, flow boiling, frosting), refrigeration systems and heat pumps (new refrigerant fluids, new components, integration of heat pumps into systems with other renewables) and conversion of solar energy (components and systems for the conversion of solar energy with special regard to solar thermal collectors and concentrating solar systems). He is author of more than 190 papers indexed in Scopus.

Mohamed Rida Derder

Mohamed Rida Derder is IGSD Special Counsel for the MENA region and Africa.  He is an attorney from Morocco, focusing on ozone and climate change issues. He was instrumental in the development of the Network for Environmental Compliance & Enforcement in the Maghreb (NECEMA) through the International Network for Environmental Compliance & Enforcement (INECE). He managed INECE’s participation in planning and coordinating environmental capacity-building workshops through the State Department’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). He also serves as an advisor to the UNFCCC and Montreal Protocol for many African countries. He holds an LLM degree from The American University Washington College of Law. He is a native speaker of both Arabic and French with fluency in English.

Aya El Azhari

Aya El Azhari holds a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Ghent and joined EPEE shortly after her graduation to become a policy advisor on refrigerants-related issues. She plays a key role in managing the association’s engagement with key political actors and stakeholders, liaising with EU institutions to foster strong relationships and promote a deep understanding of the sector. Aya also assists with communications materials and focuses on topics such as Trade, Communications, and the socio-economic implications of the EU F-gas Regulation. She regularly organizes and presents at EPEE’s webinars and presentations.

Richard “Tad” Ferris

Richard “Tad” Ferris is Senior Counsel at IGSD. Tad has over three decades of experience working in developing countries on law and policy development, compliance, and risk management. Tad advises on fast and near-term climate action, including developing and advancing law and policy to cut short-lived climate pollutants and protect carbon sinks. Prior to joining IGSD, Tad was a law-firm partner focusing on international environmental law. Prior to his law-firm career, Tad was Asia Programme Manager at the Center for International Environmental Law. Tad advises on, for example, developing country, including China, regulatory matters, multilateral and bilateral ozone protection, climate, and waste agreements, non-profit registration, grassroots environmental campaigns, and health and safety law and policy. Tad maintains strong contacts with African and other environmentalists in the government and in the non-profit communities. Mr. Ferris is a graduate of Duke University Law School, receiving a Juris Doctor degree and a Master of Laws degree in comparative and international legal studies. Mr. Ferris also holds a degree in East Asian Studies from The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs. Mr. Ferris speaks and reads multiple languages in addition to English, including Mandarin Chinese, French, and Japanese.

Armin Hafner

Prof. Dr. Armin Hafner

Current positions: Professor in Refrigeration Technology at NTNU, Trondheim
President of The Norwegian Society of Refrigeration
Presidents of IIR Commission D1


Since 2016        Professor in Refrigeration Technology
1997-2015        Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF Energy Research from 1997-2015
2003     Dr.-Ing. (PhD), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Trondheim. PhD thesis: “Compact Interior Heat Exchangers for CO2 Mobile Heat Pumping Systems”

•             Refrigeration and heat pump technology in general.
•             CO2 technology for various applications; supermarkets, industrial heat pumps, transport refrigeration.
•             System design for refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps, (stationary and automotive).
•             Compressor, Ejector and compact heat exchanger technology.
•             Working fluids, with emphasis on natural working fluids, CO2, NH3 and hydrocarbons.
•             Life Cycle Climate Performance of various energy systems.

•             About 200 international and national publications within the area of refrigeration and process engineering

Youssef Hammami

Youssef HAMMAMI, is an Engineer in Process Engineering graduated from the School of Engineers of Gabès (Tunisia) in 1994.
He obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA = Master) in Chemical Process Engineering (equivalent to the Master) in 1999.
In 1995, he joined the National Agency for the Protection of the Environment /Ministry of Environment, and held the positions of “Expert Environmental Controller”.
From 2000, he was appointed assistant to the Director of the Ozone Office, in charge of technical monitoring of industrial unit conversion projects (elimination of CFCs/CH3Br, Halons, etc.) and the Tunisia country program.
In 2005, he was appointed “Evaluator of environmental impact studies” at the same time as his position in the Ozone Office.
During 2009-2013, temporary teacher in a university establishment (chemical reactors, fluid mechanics, material transfer).
From 2013, and until now he holds the position of “Coordinator of the National Ozone Unit of Tunisia”, and National Focal Point of the Montreal Protocol and the Vienna Convention.
In 2019, it became certified in the RAC sector, Category I, according to European regulation EU 2015/2067.

Huaqian Jing

Mr. Huaqian Jing is a professor of engineering and serves as the Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration (CAR).

Noboru Kagawa

He is a guest professor of Waseda University and an Emeritus professor of National Defense Academy of Japan. He served as a president of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, JSRAE and was an executive committee and a management committee of IIR. Also, he is a councillor of AASA of ASHRAE. He worked as a professor in Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering of National Defense Academy.  His major fields of study are thermophysical properties of refrigerants, Stirling engine and refrigerator, and refrigerant management. He was also a co-chair of the 24th International Congress of Refrigeration that was held at Yokohama in 2015, and some important IIR conferences.

Arno Kaschl

Policy Officer of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action

Kelvin Kelly

My name is Kelvin Kelly, Fellow of the Institute of Refrigeration (UK), Training Director at Business Edge Ltd and Chairman of the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry Board Training and Skills Committee.
If have been actively involved in Training and Certification of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Technicians for over 32 years. My particular area of expertise is the Health and Safety of people and the environment.
During my time in the RACHP Industry I have been fortunate to be involved in projects in many countries across the world. We were heavily involved in the setting up of the UK F Gas Certification scheme and will be lobbying the UK Government for mandatory certification of individuals in the safe handling of flammable and high pressure refrigerants as part of the latest F Gas Review.

Colleen Keyworth

Colleen Keyworth is a prominent figure in the HVAC industry, serving as the Director of Sales and Marketing at Online-Access Inc., a Michigan-based web marketing company specializing in HVAC. With deep roots in the industry through her family’s HVAC and plumbing business, she possesses a profound understanding of the contracting landscape and the realities contractors face in running a profitable business. Keyworth regularly teaches and trains contractors around the country about how to better use the web to generate business. In addition, she develops strategic partnerships with OEM’s, industry organizations, distributors, and wholesalers to increase product awareness and create online marketing solutions. Her dedication to enhancing digital marketing strategies for HVAC contractors has established her as a recognized figure in the field.

 As an advocate for diversity and inclusion, Colleen holds distinguished roles such as the current President of the International Network for Women in Cooling (INWIC) and a notable past president of Women in HVACR (WHVACR), with nine years of service on the board of directors. These positions underscore her commitment to forging pathways for women within the HVACR community. Her achievements have been recognized widely, evidenced by her inclusion in the ACHR News 2019 ‘Top 40 under 40’ in the HVACR Industry and receiving Service Nation’s “Woman of the Year” award in 2020.

 Beyond her executive roles, Colleen is an influential speaker and writer, sharing her insights on industry challenges, effective marketing strategies, and the significant role of women through various platforms, including podcasts and articles. Her work extends to her board position with the Southeast Michigan Air Conditioning Contractors Association, further demonstrating her dedication to advancing the industry. Colleen Keyworth’s leadership, advocacy for women, and marketing acumen have made her a respected and inspiring figure in the HVACR community.

 Colleen lives in Port Huron Michigan, with her husband Robert and their two Heelers, Mia and Tucker. When she is not traveling, she enjoys doing local event planning as a side business and hobby.

Natasha Kochova

Natasha is a committed professional with extended experience in environmental matters at the international level. For the last six years, she has been involved primarily with project implementation activities related to the HCFC Phase-Out Management Plans and HFC Phase-Down under the Montreal Protocol and the Kigali Amendment. She has worked in several regions and countries spanning Europe, Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East.
Before 2018, she worked at the local level and has also previously worked in the domain of parliamentary democracy, on projects aimed at strengthening the legislative processes.
When not at work, Natasha enjoys reading, writing, and going on long walks

M. Dennis Knight

M. Dennis Knight, P.E., Fellow, Life Member ASHRAE, is ASHRAE’s president for the 2024-25 term. Knight previously served on the ASHRAE Board of Directors as president-elect, treasurer, vice president and director-at-large. He has also served as an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, chair of the International Standards Advisory Subcommittee and vice chair of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force, among other extensive involvement.

For his time and dedication to ASHRAE and the industry, Knight is the recipient of the ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award, Exceptional Service Award, Regional Service Award and the ASHRAE Research Promotion “Top Dog” Award.

The theme for the 2024-25 ASHRAE Society Year is “Empowering Our Workforce: Building a Sustainable Future.”

“We all want to be involved in a career that we can be passionate about and where we can find meaning and purpose. We need to demonstrate to the world what we do and the impact that our industry is making today and is capable of producing in the future to address climate change. Together, we can grow the ranks of committed and passionate professionals and shape the future of our industry and our planet.”

Knight’s theme highlights the emergence of new technologies to the HVAC&R and building sciences and how ASHRAE will play a pivotal role in ensuring that the workforce remains adaptive and forward-thinking.

“Today, rapidly changing technology and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) are transforming the building science industry and presenting numerous career opportunities. By strategically leveraging the power of technology alongside the power of human creativity, both experienced professionals and new talent can collaborate to drive progress within our entire industry. Every ASHRAE member can be a messenger and an ambassador.”

Knight is the founder of Whole Building Systems, LLC, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina and his experience in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of high performance buildings spans over 46 years. He has commissioned hundreds of new buildings and audited or retro-commissioned over 100 million square feet of existing commercial, federal and industrial building stock. He introduced Building Information Modeling (BIM) to a 30-person architectural firm in the early 2000’s and provided whole building energy simulation analysis.

Knight frequently lectures in the U.S. and abroad on high performance building tools and technology and has authored numerous publications and white papers on a variety of technical topics. He has developed curriculum and teaches on BIM, integrated building design, life cycle cost analysis, ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC energy code compliance, energy management for historic structures in hot and humid climates and energy modeling and commissioning of energy using systems.

Knight is a graduate of the College of Charleston with a Bachelor of Science in Physics and holds dual registration in South Carolina as a Mechanical Engineer and Fire Protection Engineer.

Lambert Kuijpers

Lambert Kuijpers served as a co-chair of UNEP’s Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) and the Refrigeration TOC (RTOC) under the Montreal Protocol (MP) until 2014-16 and was also involved in several IPCC reporting cycles through 2013. Currently, he is an RTOC member focusing on the 2026 RTOC Assessment. He has also participated in many MP Science Assessment Panel Reports where he was a Review Editor for the 2022 Policy Messages – Scenarios chapter.

Lambert also works as a consultant – in his capacity as the director of the A/gent consultancy company b.v. (NL). He has conducted many studies on refrigerants, refrigerant availability, energy efficiency, low GWP refrigerants, the determination of refrigerant banks and emissions, and lately, many studies on net-zero and carbon neutrality. Several conference papers and reports on the latter have already been published in 2019-2023.

Xianting Li

Mr. Xianting Li is a full professor at Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), and Head of Dept. of Building Science. He got his PhD degree in 1995 at Tsinghua University. He is now the President of Section E, International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR); editorial board member of Energy and Buildings, Indoor and Built Environment, International Journal of Ventilation, Journal of Building Engineering etc.; a fellow of International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) and fellow of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). Since 1995, Dr. Li has been the PI or Co-PI for more than 90 sponsored research projects. Dr Li’s research interest includes: (1) Demand-oriented non-uniform indoor environment; (2) Energy-efficient air-conditioning and heat pump system; (3) Efficient utilization of natural energy for cooling and heating. Up to now, Dr. Li has published 8 books or chapters in book (3 are in English), 200 peer-reviewed journal papers in English, 100 journal papers in Chinese, 60 conference papers in English. He holds 70 Chinese patents.

Carloandrea Malvicino

Carloandrea Malvicino, graduated in Physics in 1987, joined the “Centro Ricerche Fiat” in 1988 and working on sensor and
microsystems then he took in charge the Thermal System department. Carloandrea moved to FCA Italy in 2013 to his current position as Head of CO2 Emissions Reduction Strategies as part of Stellantis Enlarged Europe Organisation. Carloandrea is one of the Stellantis representatives for EU and UK technical issue related to CO2 and GHG regulations. In addition, he is member of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Technical Options Committee (RTOC) of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) as leading author of the Chapter on Mobile Air Conditioning and author of several international patents, papers and publications in the automotive domain.

Alfonso William Mauro

Alfonso William MAURO is a Full Professor of Applied Thermodynamics at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Federico II University of Naples (Italy). He is author of more than 200 papers at conferences and in international journals. His research interests are related to the design of devices for clean heating and cooling solutions. The topics are related to heat and momentum transfer experiments and models for low-GWP refrigerants, multi-criteria optimization of the design of heat pumps, digital twins for automatic detection and evaluation of refrigerant leakages and heat exchangers fouling, impact of regulations on the market. He has worked as consultant and advisor for Italian and European research funding institutions and is serving the scientific community with the scientific organization of thematic workshops, conferences and events.

Vikram Murthy

Bachelor of Technology, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India – with 46 years of experience in the HVAC Industry. 
Director Univac Environment Systems Private Limited, for Unitary and Applied HVAC Systems.
Partner, Tropical Air conditioning & Refrigeration; Training HVAC & R Professionals and Representation of AHRI (Air conditioning Heating & Refrigeration Institute) for Certification of HVAC Equipment.
Presidential Member ISHRAE, (Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating & Air conditioning Engineers) Past President of ASHRAE Mumbai Chapter and Rotary Club of Bombay Film City.
Regional Lecturer, RAL, ASHRAE.
Member Technology Task Force, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India.

Previous Experience:
Project Manager, Voltas Ltd, Central Air conditioning Projects.
Director, Genpower Electric Pvt Ltd, Manufacturer of Air Handling Units & Electrical Control Panels.
Executive Vice President, Utility Engineers India Ltd, Central Air conditioning Projects.

Tetsuji Okada

Tetsuji Okada joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in 1980.  He was engaged in the design of domestic air conditioners and the development of finned tubed–type heat exchangers until 1995. He was the department manager of heat pump hot water heater development using CO2 refrigerant from 2000 to 2009. He was transferred to the commercial air conditioners factory in Scotland as the vice president (2010–2012). He was the general manager of the Brussels office of Mitsubishi Electric Europe from 2012–2014 and is now the president of the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioner Industry Association. 

Clare Perry

Clare Perry is the Climate Campaign Leader and Senior Ocean Adviser at the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) UK, an international NGO that investigates and campaigns against environmental crime and abuse. With more than 25 years working on global environmental issues, Clare is responsible for the strategic development and implementation of EIA´s climate campaign, which seeks to keep global warming below 1.5°C and meet the climate challenge through rapid, sustained reductions of emissions of all the major greenhouse gases. Clare has advocated ambitious environmental policies at multiple international fora, including the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and the EU F-Gas Regulation. Clare graduated from the University of Southampton in 1993 with a BSc in biology and subsequently gained a Masters degree in coastal zone management.

Gilberto Pichetto Fratin

Degree in Economics and Commerce – University of Turin
Professional activity:
• Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor – Studio in Biella
• Member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Biella
• Registered in the Register of Auditors
• Business consultant in the corporate, tax, business and professional sectors, Mayor
and Statutory Auditor for Companies and Auditor of Local Authorities
• Former Accounting Teacher at the I.T.C. “AND. Bona” of Biella, and of Banking Technology
and Commercial at the I.T.C. “C. Cavour” in Vercelli

Political activity:
 From 1975 to 1980 Municipal councilor of Gifflenga (Bi).
 From 1981 to 1985 member of the Management Committee of Local Health Unit 48
 From 1985 to 1994 Deputy Mayor of Biella with responsibilities for Sport, Tourism, Transport and
toponymy until 1992 and subsequently with delegations to Urban Planning and Construction
 In 1995 elected to the Regional Council on the Forza Italia list in the constituency of
Biella, president of the 1st Commission and in 1997 appointed Regional Councilor of
Industry, Crafts and Commerce.
 In 2000 elected to the Regional Council and appointed councilor with responsibilities for Industry,
Work, New economy, Professional training, Coordination of policies and funds Community, International Affairs, Domestic and Foreign Trade and – since 2001 – appointed
also skills in budget and finance, personnel and its organisation,
Programming, Efficiency Policies, Management Control. In 2005 elected for
third time in the Regional Council on the Forza Italia list and, from June 2006 to December
2007 Vice President of the Regional Council.
 In the XVI legislature (2008-2013) elected to the Senate of the Republic on the list of “Il
People of freedom”. He was secretary of the Fifth Permanent Commission
Economic planning, Budget, since 2010 Leader of the People’s Group
Libertà and also member of the XI Permanent Commission on Work,
Social Security, and the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the phenomenon of
accidents at work, with particular regard to the so-called “unrelated deaths”.
 On 20 March 2013 – during the IX legislature – he was appointed Vice President of the
Piedmont Region with responsibilities for budget and finance, economic-financial planning, heritage, legal and litigation.
 In 2014, candidate for President of the Piedmont Region for Forza Italia, elected in
Regional Council from his “Centre Right for Pichetto” list and Forza Italia group leader
in the Piedmont Region until 2018.
 In the XVIII legislature (2018) elected to the Senate of the Republic on the Forza Italia lists
in Piedmont in the single-member constituency of Biella-Vercelli. He was treasurer of the Group
Forza Italia Berlusconi President-UDC and held the position of Group Leader for Forza
Italy in the Budget Committee until 1 March 2021.
 On 1 March 2021 he was appointed Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Development
Economy of the Draghi Government.
 On 15 April 2021 the decree of the Minister of Development is published in the Gazette
economic who assigns the following delegations:
– functions relating to industrial policy, policies for small and medium-sized enterprises,
to the defense industry, business incentives, as well as initiatives and activities
relating to Made in Italy and creative industries, trade and self-service e
to craftsmanship;
– initiatives and activities relating to the universal postal service and the postal market, to
matters of insurance services, insurance legislation, relationships
with IVASS and the supervision of CONSAP funds;
– the discussion and implementation of initiatives in matters relating to the market and protection
and the promotion of competition and legislation on liberalization, administrative simplification, consumer policies, supervision and regulations
technical, as well as supervision of the Chambers of Commerce, their unions and special companies,
Unioncamere and chamber system;
– activities relating to the fight against counterfeiting, as well as institutional coordination on the matter
at an international level, the promotion and valorisation of industrial property rights,
patents and trademarks and the initiatives and policies aimed at bringing the world of research closer together
that of businesses.
 On 15 April 2021 he was awarded the title of Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Development
Economy of the Draghi Government.
 On 13 May 2021 he was appointed by decree of the Minister of Economic Development
President of the National Council of Consumers and Users, position reconfirmed
also subsequently with ministerial decree of 3 March 2022.
 On 8 July 2022 he was designated member of the National Observatory for Integration
of policies for gender equality by the Minister of Economic Development in
representation of the Ministry itself.
During his mandate, on the basis of the delegations assigned to him, he followed numerous related issues
particularly to the automotive sector, trade and industrial policies. To this end it has
chaired various thematic tables that addressed the various sectors for constant comparison
active and proactive with all interested stakeholders.
He also worked to define an industrial policy strategy aimed at identifying the
necessary measures for the relaunch of the country and the Piedmont area, taking into account
consideration for the latter, the advantage of making use of the potential of the territory in terms
of existing scientific skills, infrastructures and professionalism, from universities to businesses,
to workers.
 In the XIX Legislature he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, in the Multi-member College
Piedmont 02.

Denise San Valentin

Denise San Valentin, Programme Management Officer, has been working in the Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Secretariat as coordinator of initiatives since 2014 and is based in the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) office in Paris, France. Currently, Denise oversees the implementation of over a hundred projects of the CCAC aimed at advancing action to reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) from key emitting sectors. Denise is also the focal point for the Coalition’s work in the cooling sector, including management of the Cooling Hub and funded projects in the sector. Denise has 20 years of experience in international environmental programmes at the national, regional, and global levels. From 2003 to 2011, she was a Project Officer in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of her home country, the Philippines. She later joined the UNEP Asia-Pacific Office in Bangkok to support 39 developing countries implementing Montreal Protocol projects from 2011 to 2013.

Claudia Sanchez

Claudia Sanchez, is an architect with a Master`s degree from North Carolina State University.

Colombian HVAC/R Association Executive Director.

Federacion de Asociaciones Iberoamericanas de Aire acondicionado y Refrigeracion – FAIAR Executive Secretary

Madi Sakandé

Madi Sakandé, General Manager and Founding Member of New Cold System Srl in Bologna – Italy and New Cold System SARL in Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso, is a 48-year-old Burkinabé, specialist in the Refrigeration industry. He is an Instructor & Coordinator at Centro Studi Galileo (Italy) for the certification of technicians and companies operating in the Refrigeration sector on the European standard EC 303/2008 (F-Gas Regulation) in Italy, but also Master Trainer of the global program UNEP Refrigerant Drive License (RDL).
Member of several associations, such as the Italian Association of Refrigeration Technicians (ATF), several times awarded, Best African Entrepreneur in Italy by “Africa Italy Excellence Award” (Milan – Italy) in 2013, winner of the MoneyGram Award as Best Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year in Italy (Rome – Italy) in 2016, Best Entrepreneur & Motivator Award by Diaspora Award Italy (Milan – Italy) in 2017, Best Diaspora Entrepreneur by Africa Aid (New York – USA) in 2018, Burkimbila Prize from the Burkimbila Association (Treviso – Italy) in 2018. He is a Knight of the Order of the Stallion of Burkina Faso.

Louise Tigchelaar-Belfield

Louise Tigchelaar-Belfield is a writer, editor and publisher with 30 years’ experience across various sectors and a particular interest in sustainability and renewables in the built environment.  For 15 years she was National Managing Editor & Publisher for Australia’s premier home building organisation, the Housing Industry Association (HIA), but left to pursue a freelance writing career. She has extensive interview skills and since leaving HIA has written for a variety of publications including AIRAH’s HVAC News, The Fifth Estate, and was a journalist with a regional newspaper. 

Bente Tranholm-Schwarz

Since 2010 Bente Tranholm Schwarz has been deputy Head of Unit in the Directorate General for Climate Action in the European Commission. She is in charge of policy development and implementation of the EU regulations preventing emissions from fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances. These polices must also safeguard that the EU remains compliant with the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Before 2010 she worked in the Commission’s Directorate General for Competition, in the Danish Ministry of Business and Industry and in the Danish Permanent Representation to the European Union where her main focus was policies fostering competitiveness and competition.  She holds two Master degrees in economics.

Coen Van de Sande

Association: NVKL (Netherlands) 425 members (80% contractors, 15% wholesalers/manufacturers, 5% associated members)


  • Education: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
  • Work: Director NVKL


  • Worked for contractors from 1987-2007 in several positions: Engineer, head of service, Project manager and Managing Director
  • Worked for the Governments Building Agency from 207-2009 (senior consultant)
  • Worked for NVKL 2009-2017 (technical manager)
  • Worked for Dutch Heating Industry (NVI) from 2016-2020 (Director)
  • Then again for NVKL from 1-1-2021 (Director)
  • Participated in AREA from 2009-2018 and then again from the end of 2020 until now in various roles:
    • Chair WG Sustainable innovation 2011-2017
    • Chair WG Standards and legislation 2011-2017
    • Board member 2014-2016 treasurer, 2016-2018 VP, 2020-2022 VP

Samoel Vieira de Souza

Samoel Vieira de Souza has a degree in electronic engineering from Mackenzie University – Sao Paulo – Brazil, having MBA in Marketing, as well, several improvement courses in Brazil and abroad. He is Director and founder of CACR Engenharia e Instalações Ltda (Contractor Company), President of Int`l Affairs of ABRAVA (The Brazilian Association for HVACR); where in the last 25 years he was President in two mandates, president of CONBRAVA (the International HVAC-R Congress) during six editions, and today he is member of the administrative and advisory Council. He is also Past Presidente of SMACNA – Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors, National Association, Chapter Brazil; member of ASHRAE; Vice President of SINDRATAR, (The Companies Union of Refrigeration and Air Treatment Industry from Sao Paulo State); member of the Superior Council for Sustainable Constructions of FIESP (Federation of Industries from Sao Paulo State) and member of the Advisory Board of Rodrigues Alves School of SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning).

Asbjorn Vonsild

Asbjørn Vonsild, an independent consultant, specializes in standards and legislation within the refrigeration, A/C, and heat pumps sector, especially related to flammable refrigerants.
He serves as a member of UNEP’s Refrigeration TOC (RTOC) under the Montreal Protocol.
In 2023 he received the IEC 1906 Award for his leadership on IEC 60335-2-40 Ed. 7. He is chair of IEC/TC61D/SC61D, the steering committee for IEC 60335-2-40, chair of the Danish mirror committee for standards within large refrigeration
systems (s251), convenor of the working group for aligning the refrigerant standards ASHRAE34 and ISO817, and also a member of numerous standardisation working groups related to ISO5149, EN378, ISO14903, ISO21922, IEC60335-2-118, ASHRAE34 and more.
Before becoming a consultant, Asbjørn held several positions at Danfoss for 12 years.

Wentao Wang

Mr. Wentao Wang is a doctoral student at Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China).

Stephen R. Yurek

Stephen R. Yurek currently serves as President and CEO of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).  The association was formed as a result of the merger in 2007 of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute and the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association.  As President and CEO, Mr. Yurek manages over 100 staff and oversees all operations of the association, which has more than 320 manufacturing members representing some $40 billion in annual sales volume.

Mr. Yurek was named President of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute in early 2007.  Prior to that, he served as Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel, after having joined ARI in 2002 as General Counsel.

Hubert Zan

Hubert Zan is the Assistant Manager in charge of Energy Efficiency Inspection and Enforcement, a unit under the Renewable Energy, Energy and Climate Change (REEECC) Directorate of the Ghana Energy Commission. He has efficiently and effectively worked for 12 years enforcing National regulations on Energy Efficiency and environmental regulations on Phasing out CFC based and now HCFC based refrigerators and air conditioners respectively in Ghana. Hubert’s passion to see the world and Africa in particular be free of new inefficient and used obsolete appliances has made him a champion and strong advocate of energy efficiency. He is the focal person for the ECOFRIDGES GO project at the Energy Commission and also a member of the Cool Coalition working group on used product imports to Africa. He has also featured in other international forums like the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Vienna Energy Forum (VEF).

Emanuele Zanetti

Emanuele Zanetti obtained his PhD in Energy Engineering at the University of Padova in 2022, with a project entitled ‘Experimental and numerical study of evaporators for multi-source heat pumps’. In 2023 he obtained his current position as assistant professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TUDelft. He is part of the Heat Transformation Technology group in the field of sustainable heat/cold generation, conversion and storage. His main areas of expertise include the modeling and experimental characterization of solar thermal systems and heat pumps, as well as CFD modeling of two-phase flows and phase change materials for thermal energy storage.