The Refrigerant Transition in Brazil Under the Montreal Protocol

Although the agreement accomplished, during the 28th Meeting of the Parts of Montreal Protocol has been signed by the Brazilian government in Rwanda in October 2016, only in August, 2022, Brazil concluded the Amendment of Kigali ratification process  and  assumed the commitment of freezing the consumption of the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in 2024 for the base line (average of the consumption among 2020 and 2022) and to reduce the consumption by 10% in 2029, 30% in 2035, 50% in 2040 and 80% in 2045.

Through the Ordinance act no. 11.666, of August 24, 2023, the text of the Kigali Amendment was promulgated, turning obligatory his execution.

Right now, the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA), is implementing the third part of the PBH, the Brazilian Program for elimination of HCFCs and, simultaneously, starting the planning for implementation of the First Part of the Kigali Implementation Plan (KIP)

In Brazil, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA), acts as the Ozone Unit in the extent of the Montreal Protocol through the General-Coordination of Mitigation and Ozone Layer Protection, it`s responsible by the coordination of actions and support in international negotiations. Thus, it is the government organ responsible for the public politics for the Ozone Layer Protection. For that, MMA has mainly, the support of IBAMA, the government agency responsible for controlling the consumption of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol.

In addition to IBAMA, MMA also work together with multilateral cooperation agencies PNUD (Program of the United Nations for the Development), such as Leading agency, UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), and GIZ (German Cooperation for the Maintainable Development).

In this work we will provide a summary of the activities developed by the Government and these internationals agencies, bring data from the current stage of the programs for the Phase Out of HCFCs, Phase Down of HFCs, and demonstrate the cooperative partnership developed by ABRAVA with MMA, IBAMA, with the multilateral agencies (PNUD, UNIDO & GIZ) as well with its members and the entire Brazilian HVACR market, acting as an important data source of the internal consumption of refrigerant fluids, technical information and other market data.

Fluid refrigerants have been used for at least 200 years and in the first 100, there were few modifications. In 1930, the rising concerns about the security issues of the natural refrigerants used at the time, prompt their replacement with synthetics refrigerants.

These synthetics refrigerants mainly the CFCs, were almost perfect, they had good performance, no toxicity, no flammability, which made them dominate the market until the 1950s. The development of CFCs, led to HCFCs and they continued together until 1973 when was discovered that the Chlorine atoms (Cl) present in the two refrigerants reduces the ozone layer.

It is interesting to note that the changes in technologies took a very long periods, more than 20 years.

The discovery about the depletion of ozone layer, moved academies and entire nations all over the word until 1985, when was held in Vienna one Convention for the discussion of the ozone layer protection named “Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer”.

Two years later, 1987, a protocol was signed in the city of Montreal that became known as “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”

Brazil adhered to the Montreal Protocol in 1990 and since that has been fulfilling and even anticipating the targets for the elimination of gases that affect the ozone layer as recommended by the global agreement.

The Montreal Protocol, among other actions, established targets for the phase out of CFCs. Consecutively, the HVACR industry increased the use of HCFCs which later received a phase out program as well, because although in smaller quantities, they also had chlorine atoms in their composition being considered as “SDO”, Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer.

The phase out programs of these two fluids, encouraged further research and, they were being replaced by natural refrigerants and by HFCs, a synthetic one without chlorine atoms. But soon it was discovered that the fluorinated substances also increased the greenhouse effect that causes climate change, and a new program was introduced to reduce the use of HFCs.

So, during the last years, the changes and transition of technologies as well as the use of new fluid refrigerants, have been present in the day by day of HVACR industry and have also been dictated by international agreements to protect people, animals and the environment.

After this evolution of knowledge, in 1992, it was held in Rio de Janeiro the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change which started a new phase, looking to control the SDO and also the GHG, substances that cause the greenhouse effect.

In 1997 we had the signature of Kyoto Protocol, which required developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5%.

In 1999, Brazil banned the use of CFCs in new equipment and also closed the factories of this gas. The idea was to close our factories and start importing in a controlled way what was necessary to keep the installed park in operation.

In 2012, Brazil was the sponsor of “Rio+20”. The Conference was so called because it was held 20 years later Rio – 92 which was not a COP, was a meeting convened by the United Nations, through its General Assembly, to address various issues and it contributed to setting a schedule for sustainable development for coming decades. 

In 2015 we signed the Agreement of Paris, and continued the effort to control global warning, in 2016, at the Meeting of the Parties, in the city of Kigali in Rwanda, was added an amendment to the Montreal Protocol, “The Kigali Amendment”.

The Brazilian Program for the elimination of HCFCs was divided in three phases, Regarding the phases 1 and 2, we have already successfully completed, consuming less than the targets established by the Montreal Protocol, Fig 1

Fig 1 – HCFC Phase Out – Phase 1 and 2

Note on HCFC-phase out

It is important to highlight that Brazil is starting the planning of the implementation of the first phase of the Kigali Amendment and simultaneously is starting the execution of the Third and last phase of the HCFCs elimination.

If so, from the next year the reduction and elimination of these two substances will be managed together.

The Kigali Amendment, among other things, established a schedule to reduce the consumption of HFCs, from a base line to be established by the average consumption between 2020 and 2022 by each signatory country.

Brazil is included in Group1 of Parts A5, whose reduction schedule is in Table-1, below.

 YearPhase down Schedule
BaselineHFC Component2020-2022Average consumption
HCFC Component65% of the Baseline
Freezing2024Baseline freezing
First Step2029– 10% in relation to the Baseline
Second Step2035– 30% in relation to the Baseline
Third Step2040– 50% in relation to the Baseline
Plateau2045– 80% in relation to the Baseline
Table 1: Brazilian HFC phase down

The Brazilian HFC Program or KIP (Kigali Implementaton Plane) is at the beginning of its planning but we have already defined the baseline and therefore we have a first vision of the stages for reduction of the consumption. The baseline for freezing and reduction of HFCs consumption, is composed by the sum of two components. One is the average of the consumption of HFCs (years 2020, 2021 and 2022), and the other is the rest of the HCFCs Baseline to be eliminated during the third and last phase of the HCFC phase out, together with the first phase of the KIP, the HFC phase down program. The value is given in tons of equivalent CO2, considering the GWP of each substance consumed in Brazil, according to the Fig.2 KIP – Kigali Implementation Plane.

Fig.2 KIP – Kigali Implementation Plane (tons of CO2 eq)
Baseline Brazil – in tons of CO2 eq
HCFCs (Third and last Phase)19.446.375
HFCs (Average)60.057.269
Brazilian Baseline79.503.644
Table 2: Brazilian Baseline
Figure 3: Brazilian HFC Phase Down
Figure 4: HFCs more used in Brazil
Figure 5: Mixtures more used in Brazil

At this moment the Brazilian government is working hard on planning for the implementation of the first stage of the KIP, and is following a schedule with many stones where ABRAVA has been a partner in several aspects.

Among the several points that are in process, we can highlight the dialogue with the HVACR sector, workshop for KIP release, diagnosis of the HFCs consumption, preparation of the general strategy document of the KIP, preparation of the investment projects for KIP Stage I, etc.

This work is very important because in addition to being necessary to have a feasible planning, it also produces information that should be part of the documentation to be submitted for approval at the 97th ExCom Meeting (Executive Committee of Multilateral Fund for the Implementation) that should take place in August 2025.

On the other hand, ABRAVA is in close contact and in constant cooperation with government representatives and agencies involved in the implementation of the KIP, as well, is developing several activities that complement the work of the official agencies.

We are promoting a lot of activities looking to improve the professional qualification on these matters and on others variables such as, designs of adequacy for existing systems, retrofits, waste correct destination, leadership development program, etc.

We cannot forget that regulatory acts and protocols adopted to reduce the use of HCFC and HFC cannot disregard other important factors that also affect IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) and Energy Efficiency, HVACR systems need to be properly designed, properly installed and correctly maintained.

We believe that this is the right way for the development of our sector.

Overview on the IAQ in Brazil

Overview on the IAQ in Brazil – Abstract

The indoor air quality in Brazil during and after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic period, the theme of indoor air quality in Brazil had been present in the midea as well in several technical discussions of our Society. These discussions continue to this day, IAQ remains on the agenda of all of us, and continues to grow through studies made by our professors, doctors and professionals, in the universities, industries etc. becoming one of the Top Three Issues of ABRAVA, the Brazilian HVACR Association.

In this paper are present relevant data to the understanding of indoor air quality in Brazil in a previous period and referring to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The objective of this paper is to analyze the indoor air quality in Brazil before, during and after the COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, contributing with data to development and improvement of public policies on indoor air quality for Brazil, and for Latin America countries where the environmental conditions have a certain similarity to our tropical conditions.

Were evaluated the indoor air quality of 196,569 indoor environments distributed in 26 provinces of Brazilian territory. Sampling and analysis procedures were carried out between 2018 and 2021. Results obtained indicate an increase of non-conforming to viable fungi and a decrease of non-conformity results to carbon dioxide concentration during the most severe period of the pandemic.

The results of the tests, demonstrated the need of new project parameters, a larger care on the fresh air rates, pointing the need of larger protection against pollutants in the public buildings. We also got the attention for need of taking into account the energetic efficiency of the systems.

Keywords: indoor air quality, fungi, particulate matter, carbon dioxide


Nowadays, people spend almost 80 to 90% of their life in closed buildings, where the level of pollutant can be twice as higher as that of an open space. According to WHO approximately 5 million people die every year due to illnesses attributable to poor indoor air quality. Globally, as it is in Brazil, there has been an increase in the interest for the theme. Due to this interest, we decided to develop this work bycollecting air samples in all kind of buildings.Air samples were collected and analyzed in laboratories, producing the knowledge and the development of new solutions to improve indoor air quality. The dissemination of this knowledge caused the government to be concerned about the importance of this issue and to adopt measures to improve the indoor air quality of public buildings. New reccomendations entered intoforce  law to establish air quality control and even a law has been enacted that requires Shopping Malls, Medical Clinics etc. to have a (PMOC) Plane for Maintenaince, Operation and Control of the HVAC systems. These news rules were added to another ordinance of the ANVISA, the National Health Regulatory Agency, the Resolution 09-2001. According to the Resolution 09, every non residential building must perform an IAQ analysis twice a year. This analysis is required for constructions with HVAC systems of 60.000 BTU/hour and more. The amount of samples is defined in function of the acclimatized area, the following parameters are analyzed:

Concentration of viable fungi; viable fungi indoor/outdoor index; carbon dioxide (C02); particulate matter (PM10); temperature, relative humidity and air velocity.

This study presents one analysis on how using correctly the HVAC System can improve the air quality in buildings, the case studies are distributed around 26 provinces of the Brazilian territory.

The objective of this study is to present relevant data for the understanding of indoor air quality in Brazil during the pandemic period, according to the parameters and acceptance criteria established in Resolution 09 of ANVISA, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency, accepted by WHO, the World Health Organization.


This study, presents the results obtained from 163,209 analysis of indoor air samples that were carried out on commercial buildings, offices, hospitals, malls and industry, bank branches, airports and department stores distributed in 26 provinces of Brazilian territory, collected between October 1ST, 2018 and December 31, 2021.

In this paper, we are discussing the results obtained for concentration of viable fungi, particulate matter (PM10) and carbon dioxide in the indoor air.

Samples of viable fungi were collected at a breathable zone at 1.5 meters from the floor, using a Vacuum pump with sample flow of 28.3 L/min, Andersen 1 stage impactor, and a Petri dish with Sabouraud Dextrose Agar culture medium. (FIG. 1)

After the collection, the samples were sent to the Microbiological Laboratory for analysis (incubation time: 7 days; temperature: 25 °C).

To measure particulate matter concentration in the air, we used a Gray Wolf IAQ-3016 Light Scattering Airborne Particle Counters, sample flow 2,83 L/min. (FIG. 2)

Carbon dioxide analyses were performed using a Temtop M2000 electrochemical detector (real-time measurements). (FIG. 3)

The sampling time for collection and analyses were 5 minutes to each sample.

All equipment and sensors used in the measurement procedures were calibrated by a laboratory accredited by ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Figure 1: Andersen sampler with vacuum pump, used to collect viable fungi
Figure 2: Gray Wolf Handheld 3016-IAQ, used to measure the particulate matter concentration
Figure 3: Temtop M2000 2nd generation, used to measure the carbon dioxide concentration

Results and Discussions

Table 1 presents the number of samples analyzed (by period) and the relative percentage of non-conforming results obtained for IAQ analysis performed in buildings offices, hospitals, mall, and industry, banking branches, airports and department stores distributed in 26 provinces of the Brazilian territory (period of 2018 to 2021). Figure 4 presents the relative percentage of non-conforming results by period and parameter.

    Period    Number of samples  Relative percentage of non-conforming results  
  Viable fungiParticulate matter (PM10)  Carbon dioxide
Acceptance criteria to conformity of results≤ 750 UFC/m³ (a)≤ 45 μg/m³ (b)≤ 1000 ppm (a)
Table 1: Number of samples analyzed and relative percentage of non-conforming results

(a) Resolution 09 of the National Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA / Brazil).

(b) World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the results presented in Table 1 we observed that the number of non-conforming results for carbon dioxide reduced from 9.3% (2018/2nd Semester) to < 4.7% during the pandemic period, where buildings remained with lower occupancy rates.

On the other hand, the number of non-conforming results to concentration of particulate matter (PM10) and viable fungi in the air, increased significantly in the same period.

  • Relative percentage of non-conforming results for viable fungi concentration in the air, increased of 3.1% (2018/2nd Semester) to 12.7 % (2021/2nd Semester).
  • Results obtained for particulate matter concentration non-conformities, presented variation of 7.1% (2018/2nd Semester) to 14.6 % (2021/2nd Semester).

Three main factors must affect indoor air quality: outdoor air (untreated), indoor environment (building materials, furniture, ducts, decorative objects etc.) and/or indoor activities (people, manufacturing process, cleaning activities, etc.).

The growing concern about the spread of the virus in confined spaces, demands a better indoor ventilation. The main recommendation by Brazilian Federal Health Agency and the general public opinion for indoor ventilation during the COVID-19 pandemic was to “open doors and windows” and “turn off HVAC system”.

This procedure was taken due to the famous COVID-19 contamination case occurred in a restaurant of Guangzhou, China, which was associated with the air conditioning system as the spread of virus factor. This was the easiest way to guide the society on how to ventilate their homes. Many envinronments in this research followed this recommendation even though they had central HVAC Systems.

Turning off the HVAC System and opening doors and windows seemed like a good option during the most severe phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the measurements made in this study, showed us how outside air pollution enters the internal environment.

The dispersion and proliferation of indoor contaminants are lower with doors and windows closed and HVAC system running. Particulate matter and fungi spores are contaminants commonly removed by air filtration presents at HVAC systems.

It is necessary to consider that the HVAC systems need to be correctly installed as well as need a good maintenaince and operation plan, so they provide comfortable and healthy environments.


The recommendation to open doors and windows during the Covid-19 pandemic period was not a good solution, instead of improve the indoor air quality, may have opened our houses and buildings to contaminants such as viable fungi and particulate matter that normally is removed by filtration of HVAC Systems.

Measures and protocols adopted to reduce diseases and pandemics cannot disregard other important factors that also affect the indoor air quality.

The thermal charge of the environment must be correctly calculated so that we get a correct air flow. The number of air changes is importante to keep the environment clean of impurities generated in the environment itself, and the number of renewals is essential to maintain the level of CO2 within the parameters recommented by health agencies.

HVAC systems properly, designed, installed and correctly mantained, are part of the solution and not of the problem, they provide comfort, wellness and health to the users.

Other variables such as outdoor cleaning procedures, retrofits and type of occupation use, for example, were not considered in this study and also may influence the results obtained. New study will be developed correlating this study with the above variables.


  • ANVISA. (National Health Regulatory Agency) – Resolução 09/2020
  • COVISA (Municipal Health Regulatory Department) – Vigilância dos Ambientes de Trabalho
  • ABRAVA – Technical Recommendations – RENABRAVAs Nº 7, 9 and 11


Samoel Vieira de Souza

Samoel Vieira de Souza has a degree in electronic engineering from Mackenzie University – Sao Paulo – Brazil, having MBA in Marketing, as well, several improvement courses in Brazil and abroad. He is Director and founder of CACR Engenharia e Instalações Ltda (Contractor Company), President of Int`l Affairs of ABRAVA (The Brazilian Association for HVACR); where in the last 25 years he was President in two mandates, president of CONBRAVA (the International HVAC-R Congress) during six editions, and today he is member of the administrative and advisory Council. He is also Past Presidente of SMACNA – Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors, National Association, Chapter Brazil; member of ASHRAE; Vice President of SINDRATAR, (The Companies Union of Refrigeration and Air Treatment Industry from Sao Paulo State); member of the Superior Council for Sustainable Constructions of FIESP (Federation of Industries from Sao Paulo State) and member of the Advisory Board of Rodrigues Alves School of SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning).