About us

CAREL is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of control solutions for air conditioning, refrigeration and heating, and systems for humidification and evaporative cooling. We design our products so as to bring energy savings and reduce environmental impact, thanks to the combination of the most advanced technologies and customised services, aimed at optimising the performance of equipment and systems. Our solutions are used in commercial, industrial and residential applications.

“We recognise environmental issues
as a corporate priority”

Francesco Nalini, CAREL Group CEO

The company’s claim, “Driven by the future”, perfectly sums up the CAREL model, representing the starting point and the final goal that together encompass the process of designing, manufacturing and marketing our products and systems. Indeed, CAREL’s products are born from the hope that a better future for the planet and its people is possible. It is with this awareness that CAREL intends to follow a path to achieve, day after day, concrete and measurable sustainability objectives, for the present and future generations.

An innovative consulting and technological partner, CAREL anticipates market demands, proposing energy-efficient solutions with guaranteed high performance. Continuous improvement is our modus operandi, the method that allows us to create a standard without being constrained by it and then gradually succeeding in surpassing it to define an even higher-level standard. Research, innovation and technology are the keys to our success: for almost fifty years, the customer’s needs have been at the centre of the elements we develop to ensure functional and aesthetic differentiation, all with a sustainable approach. Our Group’s strength lies in the integration between the different areas; our overall vision, experience and transversal competencies mean we can exceed the boundaries of individual products and represent a single partner that can identify integrated application solutions.

Our involvement in UN Programs

Joining the UN Global Compact is one of the points of our multi-year Sustainability Plan, which defines a path of concrete actions summarised in the concept Driven by the Future – Sustainability in action, with six Areas of Commitment (Sustainable Strategy and Governance, Environmental Policies, Innovation and Technology, People, Communication, and Sustainable Development of Local Communities) and 55 sustainability goals.

Our ambitious aim:

making sustainability our new business model

CAREL’s commitment to the environment and sustainability has accompanied it since its foundation in 1973, and over time has been pursued in two different yet converging directions: on one hand, maximising energy efficiency through increasingly smart and interconnected products, and on the other, by making a significant contribution to the transition to less polluting natural refrigerants. A Sustainability plan drawn up in 2021 was defined exploiting the expertise of the ESG team, a multi-level governance body comprising the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee and a member of the Board of Directors, with the aim of developing the issues of sustainability as part of the Group’s medium-long term vision.

Sustainability starts with
Natural & Low-GWP Refrigerants

It is now clear that tackling climate change is essential for all economic sectors, as well as an opportunity to build a new economic model that everyone can contribute to.

In this context, control solutions for systems that use natural and low-GWP refrigerants are the focus of CAREL’s offering, as well as the spread of knowledge about the use of natural refrigerants and about their role in a future with less emissions and pollution.

Our blog posts about the role of
natural refrigerants in the HVAC/R industry:

Sustainable and efficient solutions

All our latest sustainable solutions that optimise the energy performance of HVAC and refrigeration systems, have been presented at Chillventa (Nuremberg, Germany, 11-13 October 2022).
In a period of transition between the pandemic and the future uncertainty surrounding energy resources, CAREL participated at the event with the awareness of the need to continue to guarantee energy efficiency and optimal performance through solutions that effectively reduce energy consumption and thus help mitigate higher energy costs and limit environmental impact.