From tradition to innovation
Established in 1918 as a manufacturer of machine tools, broaches and adjustments, air compressors and repairers of motor vehicle engines, Officine Mario Dorin began producing open type compressors for refrigeration systems in 1932. Soon, the latter became the company’s core business.
In 1952, thanks to the large business capacity of the founder Mario Dorin and his mechanical intuition, the company began producing semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors for air conditioning and refrigeration.
In 1970, the company, in order to accommodate an ever-increasing production, changed location and moved to the present facility of approximately 20,000 square meters.
Today Dorin, thanks to the commitment and the know – how of the children and grandchildren of Mario in synergy with all internal and external collaborators, has consolidated its international reputation and continues to grow, producing about 50,000 piston compressors a year.
Between 1983 and 1998, OMD expanded its offering by adding to its range of compressors, machineries with 6 cylinders (30 to 50 Hp with displacement from 84 to 138 m3/h) and those with 8 cylinders (60 to 75 Hp with displacement from 184 to 200 m3/h).
In 1998, it was added to the extensive range of products, the model 16 pistons with its 150 Hp and displacement up to 400 m3/h, compressor that today, although no longer in production, remains unique in its type, one of the Dorin flagships of the entire history of refrigeration.
The real innovation of Dorin was born in 1999, the year in which new technologies have been developed such as the application of frequency modulation and the use of CO2 as a refrigerant.
Since 2004 OMD is the main reference manufacturer of CO2 compressors for transcritical application, recognized throughout the world in every commercial sector. Soon Dorin became a reference point for the use of CO2 in subcritical phase too.
During the same period have been designed and manufactured compressors Series HI, specially designed for the electronic control of frequency, products which have now been successful in those markets concerned with implementing a strict policy of energy saving.
In 2008, the birth of the compressors H4, H5, H6 and H7 have completed the entire Series H.
Established since over 90 years, managed for more than 50 years by the Dorin family, is now ready to face the challenges of the third millennium creating technologically perfect, modern and reliable products.