Category: Forewords

  • Forewords by the Italian Minister of Environment and Energy Security

    As Presidency of the G7, Italy is working with commitment and responsibility to address the challenge of climate change in every aspect, as part of the triple global crisis to which the biodiversity loss and pollution also contribute. The international effort in charting a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions calls on all of us…

  • Forewords by the United Nations Environment Programme

    The Montreal Protocol for Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is heralded as the most successful multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) in earth system governance with universal ratification. It showed that multilateralism and effective global cooperation worked and phased out 99 per cent of these gases. Now the ozone layer is on a path to recovery.…

  • Forewords by the International Institute of Refrigeration

    The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is an independent intergovernmental organisation whose mission is to disseminate knowledge on all refrigeration technologies and uses. Key domains include: –    Food quality and safety from farm to consumer–    Comfort in homes and commercial buildings–    Healthcare products and services–    Low temperature and liquefied gas technologies–    Energy efficiency–    Safe use…

  • Forewords by the Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association

    Since 2006, Europe has required technicians to be certified in order to handle F-gases. To this day the training programmes vary among countries and are not mandatory, while the certification is. In Europe, half a million technicians are already certified to handle F-gases, and this increase of qualified technicians generally correlates to improvements in equipment…