AI and HVAC – An Introduction to What’s in Store

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or robot to perform tasks that are usually associated with human intellectual processes. AI can process large amounts of data in ways that humans can’t. The goal of AI is to be able to recognize patterns, make decisions, and judge like humans.

There are four types of AI:

  • Reactive machines: These systems have no memory and are task specific.
  • Limited memory: These systems have memory, so they can use past experiences to inform future decisions.
  • Theory of mind: When machines acquire decision-making capabilities equal to humans, we will have achieved theory of mind AI.
  • Self-awareness: The final type of AI is self-aware AI. This will be when machines are not only awarehe of emotions and mental states of others, but also their own. 

There are also two main types of AI:

  • Narrow AI

Also known as artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) or weak AI, this is the most common form of AI and the only one fully realized to date. Narrow AI is designed to perform a specific task or set of tasks.

  • General AI

Also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI) or strong AI, this is a more advanced form of AI that possesses human-like cognitive abilities. General AI is capable of understanding, learning, and applying knowledge across a wide range of tasks.

Artificial Intelligence involves the development of intelligent algorithms that enable machines to learn from data, make decisions, and perform tasks without explicit programming. In the context of HVAC systems, AI algorithms analyse data from various sensors and inputs to optimize system operation, airflow, temperature control, and energy consumption.

Artificial Intelligence in HVAC in India is already being applied by certain Manufacturing Companies , and Corporates Operating Hospitality , Healthcare and managed Commercial Properties
  • System Design
  • Equipment Design
  • Commissioning
  • Operation
  • Maintenance
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Air Quality and Safety

The integration of Generative AI into the world of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) design promises a transformative revolution in how we approach building environments. This technology can create a multitude of design variations optimized to a building’s unique needs.

Generative AI models are crafted to generate new data samples resembling a given set of input data. In HVAC design, this translates to producing a myriad of design variations based on defined constraints and requirements.

Traditional HVAC Design has limitations such as:

  • One-size-fits-all; HVAC designs generalize building models, which may not cater to specific building nuances.
  • Time Consumption: Tailoring HVAC designs can be tedious, especially when juggling numerous variables.
  • Cost Implications: Inefficient designs can escalate installation expenses and operational costs.
  • AI can churn out a wide array of design variations, each tailored to a building’s unique needs, including
  • The technology can generate myriad designs rapidly, allowing the designer to pick an optimal energy efficient solution.
  • Optimized designs mean reductions in both installation and operational costs.
  • Integrate standards, guidelines and codes into the AI model.
  • The AI model then learns the art of aligning its designs with these standards and checking that it complies with them .
  • Cloud Infrastructure: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure offer powerful resources suitable for training extensive models and data storage.

A robust dataset is the backbone of any AI model. For HVAC-focused Generative AI, this will require:

  • Building Specifications: Floor area, type, number of floors, insulation details, window dimensions, and orientation
  • Environmental Insights: Historical weather patterns, temperature fluctuations, humidity levels, and other meteorological data
  • HVAC Details: Types, capacities, efficiency metrics, and operational costs of various HVAC systems
  • Performance Data: Historical performance metrics of HVAC systems in similar buildings.

Like any technology, Generative AI in HVAC isn’t without its challenges:

  • The AI design might over-specialize, creating designs too closely aligned with the training data.
  • Setting up and nurturing a Generative AI model demands expertise.

While the AI yields many designs, each needs meticulous validation for real-world viability. A System Designer adopting AI should nurture collaboration between AI experts and HVAC professionals and do simulated tests for each design before full-fledged implementation.

Each item of HVAC Equipment performs in conjunction with multiple other items. Applying AI into equipment manufacturing will enable each equipment to be optimised in its design for performance over its complete range as well as can seamlessly respond to inputs from multiple other equipment.

AI applied with robotics in a manufacturing facility reduces time, rejections and can meet the demand for just in time delivery demand

AI can be applied to support supply chain management and streamline inventory management.

Commissioning is the process of making each element of an HVAC System function as per design parameters. This process can be highly complex for large systems that have hundreds of equipment and control components – each to perform over a band of operation that varies with inputs such as climate, set points and occupancy.

The key to creating a Commissioning Process that responds to an AI process is to install communication sensors for every function. The outputs of the sensors integrate into traditional Building Management Systems that are programmed to optimise building efficiency and operate to set parameters as well as raise alarms. In addition, if an AI process is introduced to monitor the commissioning process , it must be fed with all the processes, algorithms , sequences, programs and receive continuous data from the sensors and the BMS System. An AI programmed monitoring system shall be a step over the “once programmed” Building Management System. By learning the operation sequences and responses to sensor inputs, an AI System can critically analyse the commissioning process and present data – such as energy, time of operation of motors, multiple indoor conditions achieved during commissioning and indoor air quality. This information can provide options to set the limits of the sensors and responses and allow resets.

Artificial Intelligence applied to Building Performance:

Enhanced Comfort and Personalization

AI-powered HVAC Systems can learn occupants’ preferences and adjust settings accordingly. By analysing patterns and user behaviour, AI algorithms can create personalized comfort profiles, ensuring individualized temperature and airflow control in different zones of a building. This personalized approach enhances occupant comfort and satisfaction.

With each iteration, AI improves or adapts and changes its decisions based on the current circumstances inside and outside the building. It does this by using cognitive Artificial Intelligence to drive a Model-Based Predictive Control (MPC) System which can dynamically adjust all HVAC setpoints based on current/future conditions.

  • The AI system analyses occupant behaviour and comes up with more accurate demand predictions.
  • Distributed AI in the end-control devices generates optimal set points. Hardware parts follow these set points. This ensures a more dynamic reaction to indoor and outdoor changes.
  • The system uses non-linear HVAC control techniques instead of a rule-based approach. Non-linear control allows HVAC to process complex data from various sensors. This makes the system’s operation closer to the one managed by a human.

The benefits include:

  • Response time – No matter how fast an occupants’ requirements change, the system reacts quickly without manual configuration. 
  • Tariff management. An intelligent HVAC system can reduce bills and optimise energy use, from occupancy-based air quality control to eliminating excessive heating and cooling.
  • Monitor and regulate Indoor Air Quality: Its not enough to maintain ventilation standards . Detection and mitigation of all factors that deteriorate all parameters of indoor air quality is what customers demand .
  • Regulatory compliance for Energy and Water use and waste disposal. A connected AI-assisted solution makes it easier to follow local regulatory requirements.

Traditional HVAC solutions are based on fixed set-point resets, while IoT-based AI-empowered systems focus on predictive control.

AI technology quickly adjusts to occupancy conditions. Depending on the number of people in the building, the system turns on/off air conditioning, regulates the temperature accordingly, modifies other settings, and keeps energy use low. 

A healthy building would feature touchless tech, incorporated smart ventilation, and filtration systems for better indoor air quality (IAQ) in enclosed spaces. Regardless of the office layout (open space, cubicles, glass partitions), AI-based HVAC systems control air flows and help make the entire space safer.

HVAC systems allow users to manually adjust temperature, ventilation, and other parameters. Therefore, they achieve the desired indoor environmental comfort, while an HVAC system empowered with AI technologies is able to adapt itself to changing circumstances.

The power of Artificial Intelligence is not the sensors used or the platform operated behind them. True power lies in algorithms and their possibility to learn depending on the presented data sets. 

Once an additional factor to control, HVAC system is available to software developers a number of new data set points can be added . For example, a new health mandate requires a building operator to measure and control pollution levels indoors; Or air quality metrics are needed to mitigate the occurrence of airborne contaminants that can cause illness.

AI enables you the setting and adjustment of new parameters in a more sophisticated way. The system logic can be upgraded, keeping its hardware part in place without major changes and costs. 

Smart Load Management and Demand Response

AI algorithms optimize the use of energy by managing HVAC loads intelligently. During peak demand periods, AI-powered systems can automatically adjust temperature setpoints or activate load shedding strategies to reduce energy consumption without compromising occupant comfort. This smart load management contributes to grid stability and lowers overall energy costs.

Residential Air Conditioning constitutes 70% of India’s installed Air conditioners.

AI-driven HVAC systems can give homeowners more flexibility and convenience. Homeowners can remotely regulate their HVAC systems and receive alerts and notifications on their cell phones through taking advantage of smart thermostats and other interconnected devices. An HVAC calculator that can work on bringing the best out of an HVAC system can play a critical role in this.

HVAC systems can automatically change their settings depending on the time of day and the occupancy levels derived on the basis of home occupancy patterns. The device may lower heating or cooling output if no one is home during the day, saving money and energy. Additionally, the system can pick up on the schedules and preferences of the homeowner, adapting its functioning and minimizing energy consumption.

With their sophisticated functioning, AI-driven HVAC systems can guarantee ideal comfort levels and air purity. These systems may determine which parts of the house need heating or cooling, regulate temperature and humidity levels, and remove pollutants for better indoor air quality by analysing data and looking for patterns.

The home will always be at a pleasant temperature thanks to AI-driven HVAC systems that can modify their operation based on weather forecasts. For instance, the system can change its settings to ensure a cool and comfortable indoor environment if hot and humid weather is forecast.

In their houses, for instance, homeowners may use their voice to regulate the temperature, turn on and off the HVAC system, and even create schedules for the system to run on. Homeowners with mobility challenges or demanding schedules would especially benefit from this degree of convenience and automation.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology into smart home devices facilitates the ability to remotely monitor and manage heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. This offers simplicity and flexibility by allowing homeowners to control and modify the HVAC system’s settings from any location.

To make sure their home is pleasant when they return, a homeowner could use their smartphone to change the temperature while they are away. Additionally, remote monitoring enables homeowners to get warnings when the HVAC system needs maintenance or has broken down, avoiding expensive repairs, and ensuring the system is functioning properly.

By detecting and warning homeowners of odd behaviour or changes in the environment, such as unexpected temperature changes or changes in the quality of the air, AI technology in smart home systems can improve home security.

If the HVAC system detects a sharp drop in temperature, it may indicate that a window has been left open or an individual has entered the property.

Through their smartphone or another connected device, the homeowner can receive an alert from the AI system, allowing them to take the appropriate action and stop potential security breaches.

HVAC systems powered by AI may also monitor air quality and identify dangerous contaminants like carbon monoxide. In order to avoid health risks, the system may immediately shut down the HVAC system and notify the homeowner if it detects unsafe amounts of pollutants.

The incorporation of AI technology into smart home systems offers homeowners a number of advantages, such as ease, flexibility, and improved security measures. We may anticipate seeing even more cutting-edge and creative solutions that improve the efficiency and intelligence of our houses as technology continues to grow

Advanced Predictive Analytics: AI algorithms will become even more sophisticated in analysing data from sensors, equipment performance, weather forecasts, and occupancy patterns. This will enable HVAC systems to predict and optimize energy consumption, anticipate maintenance needs, and adapt to changing conditions in real-time.

AI algorithms enable predictive maintenance capabilities in HVAC Systems. By analysing performance data, AI can identify early signs of equipment degradation or potential faults. This proactive approach allows for timely maintenance interventions, reducing downtime, and optimizing system reliability.

AI also assists in fault detection and diagnostics, pinpointing the root cause of issues and enabling prompt resolutions.

A traditional HVAC system responds to system outages after a failure occurs. It uses ready-to-use protocols and reactive maintenance strategies. AI tools help take immediate control over and HVAC system the moment something goes wrong. 

AI driven HVAC control platforms can react proactively. They help avoid or minimize the outcome of the system’s downtime. They change the work of technicians, mechanical contractors, and building facilities managers. Now they can:

  • Perform proper HVAC equipment performance analyses. 
  • Detect any unusual behaviour before it turns into a real problem .
  • Plan further steps.

For example, such a platform can generate reports based on data machine analysis and propose recommended actions .

  • Stable performance. AI enables better analytics, control, and management. Its tools enhance the operations and maintenance of commercial buildings and quickly detect anomalous behaviour.
  • Provide recommendations. Automated fault detection and diagnostics create recommendations to plan further actions and system optimization.

In a cluster of residential buildings within a ringed perimeter, cloud-based operating systems can identify operation errors in advance for more effective system maintenance. If the air conditioner breaks down, system administrators and users can be notified of the issue through sensors and alarms. The system administrator can then analyse the system error and notify the maintenance engineer. The maintenance manager is now able to understand the issue and prepare the required tools, components, and materials before being dispatched. This service helps in the delivery of fast and accurate maintenance. Also, the use of a comprehensive database, operation management, and access to system maintenance history promotes faster response times and prevents additional energy consumption throughout the maintenance process.

Air conditioning (AC) systems play a critical role in maintaining indoor comfort in various settings, from homes to commercial buildings. The heart of any AC system is the compressor, responsible for circulating refrigerant and enabling the cooling process. However, like any mechanical component, AC compressors are subject to wear and tear, which can lead to unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs.

To address these challenges, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in predictive maintenance uses advanced data analytics to accurately predict potential failures in AC compressors, enabling timely maintenance actions and avoiding costly downtime.

Traditional maintenance approaches, such as preventive or reactive maintenance, have their limitations. Preventive maintenance schedules are often based on time intervals rather than the actual condition of the equipment, leading to either over-maintenance or overlooking critical issues. Reactive maintenance, on the other hand, can result in costly emergency repairs and extended periods of discomfort for building occupants.

Predictive maintenance takes a proactive approach, utilizing data-driven insights to predict when an AC compressor is likely to fail. This enables maintenance teams to intervene before a failure occurs, optimizing maintenance schedules, and reducing unplanned downtime.

The foundation of AI-powered predictive maintenance for AC compressors lies in data collection and sensor technology. Modern AC systems are equipped with various sensors that continuously monitor key parameters, such as temperature, pressure, and vibration. These sensors provide real-time data on the compressor’s health, enabling AI algorithms to analyse and identify patterns associated with impending failures.

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are at the core of AI-based predictive maintenance. These algorithms analyse historical data from AC compressors to recognize patterns, correlations, and anomalies that indicate potential problems. As more data is fed into the ML models, their accuracy and reliability increase, leading to more precise predictions.

The ML models used for predictive maintenance can be divided into two categories:

  • Anomaly Detection: Anomaly detection algorithms flag deviations from normal operating behaviour. When the model detects unusual patterns in the data, it raises an alert indicating a possible issue with the AC compressor. This early warning allows maintenance teams to take proactive measures to address the problem before it escalates.
  • Failure Prediction: Failure prediction models forecast the AC compressor’s remaining useful life (RUL). By analysing historical data, the model can estimate how much operational life remains in the compressor before it is likely to fail. This information allows maintenance teams to schedule repairs or replacements optimally, minimizing downtime and costs.

As emphasised under Operations – Optimising the operation of an HVAC System is primarily with respect to Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air quality .

AI algorithms optimize HVAC system operation by continuously analyzing and adapting to real-time conditions. By considering factors such as outdoor temperature, occupancy patterns, and thermal loads, AI-powered systems adjust settings dynamically, maximizing energy efficiency. This leads to reduced energy consumption, lower utility bills, and a smaller carbon footprint.

The Performance Rating of a Commercial Building is mainly measured by these two parameters – that determine a Building’s rental value and its regulatory compliances. Building Mangers shall have their tasks cut out to focus on other aspects of Building Upkeep and renovations to further enhance its Rental Values.

Health Care facilities must provide safe and comfortable environments for patients and medical staff as their primary deliverables. While providing this, Health Care facilities are large consumers of Energy for all their operation systems apart from just HVAC. Not only is there is a need to decarbonise Health Care facilities, particularly to reduce their Carbon foot print , but the operating costs due to energy raises the cost of health care significantly .

Similarly, the Hospitality Industry has a primary Goal of attracting returning and new customers. Comfort is a key deliverable. However, lowering their carbon footprint is soon to become mandatory.

AI can support the goals of all 3 sectors – Commercial, Healthcare and Hospitality .

The residential sector too is fast adapting to Smart Homes with easy to install smart devices. Integrating all these into easy-to-use AI Apps is fast gaining adoption in metropolitan areas.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Future AI-powered HVAC systems will have enhanced capabilities to optimize energy efficiency further. AI algorithms will leverage advanced machine learning techniques to continuously learn and adapt to building dynamics, occupant behaviour, and weather conditions. This will result in more precise and dynamic energy management, supporting decarbonisation , reducing waste and maximizing energy savings.

Modern HVAC control systems based on AI algorithms yield tangible benefits for all parties. They are on the radar of all major construction companies. Commercial real estate agencies can use the availability of AI-based solutions as an extra enticement to attract new customers.

Integration with Smart Building Systems: AI-powered HVAC systems will seamlessly integrate with other smart building technologies, such as lighting controls, occupancy monitoring, and building management systems. This integration will enable a holistic approach to building automation, where AI algorithms optimize energy consumption across multiple systems, ensuring overall operational efficiency.

Progress in AI and machine learning will continue.

By creating models that forecast and further optimize system operations, machine learning algorithms and the quick development of AI technology provide the potential to revolutionize HVAC systems. These technologies might complement renewable energy sources, resulting in even greater cost reductions and smaller carbon footprints.

The capacity of AI-driven HVAC systems to learn from data and advance over time is one of is most significant features. These systems can develop more advanced forecasts and optimizations as they gather more data, which will ultimately result in even higher energy efficiency and cost savings.

Additionally, these systems can identify possible flaws before they develop into significant difficulties, enabling preventative maintenance and lowering the risk of expensive repairs.


With adaptation and references from:

  • What is Artificial Intelligence –
  • What are the four Types of AI – Bernard Marr
  • Harnessing the Power of Generative AI in HVAC Design , Varunkumar Sagarkar ,
  • Alex Makarevich – Artificial Intelligence applied to Building Performance :
  • Messung Bacd – Future trends in AI integration
  • How AI Can Revolutionize Predictive Maintenance For AC Compressors –
  • Advancing HVAC Service Through AI – Wikipedia
  • Revolutionizing Residential HVAC Systems: The Power of AI Technology & How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Leveraging HVAC Management IN Modern Era – Energy Design Systems LLC
  • Images courtesy of listed References.

Vikram Murthy

Bachelor of Technology, Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India – with 46 years of experience in the HVAC Industry. 
Director Univac Environment Systems Private Limited, for Unitary and Applied HVAC Systems.
Partner, Tropical Air conditioning & Refrigeration; Training HVAC & R Professionals and Representation of AHRI (Air conditioning Heating & Refrigeration Institute) for Certification of HVAC Equipment.
Presidential Member ISHRAE, (Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating & Air conditioning Engineers) Past President of ASHRAE Mumbai Chapter and Rotary Club of Bombay Film City.
Regional Lecturer, RAL, ASHRAE.
Member Technology Task Force, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India.

Previous Experience:
Project Manager, Voltas Ltd, Central Air conditioning Projects.
Director, Genpower Electric Pvt Ltd, Manufacturer of Air Handling Units & Electrical Control Panels.
Executive Vice President, Utility Engineers India Ltd, Central Air conditioning Projects.