Forewords by the Italian Minister of Environment and Energy Security

As Presidency of the G7, Italy is working with commitment and responsibility to address the challenge of climate change in every aspect, as part of the triple global crisis to which the biodiversity loss and pollution also contribute. The international effort in charting a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions calls on all of us to strive towards a fair and efficient development of sustainable cold chains at a global level. The cooling sector alone accounts for around 7% of global emissions whereas it plays a significant role in the growth of global energy demand. As is known, the sector ensures a series of fundamental services for people and essential benefits for human health. The development of sustainable cold chains helps us in the ethical, environmental and economic challenge of reducing food waste.

Italy has been working for years, in line with the Rome Declaration adopted in 2019 by over eighty countries, to highlight the key role of the cold chain in the promotion of food safety and to fight waste, responsible for around 8% of global emissions. The lack of adequate cold chains affects the quality and safety of food, with consequences on people’s lives as well as environmental costs. At the same time, the strong development of renewable energy and the implementation of energy efficiency technologies represent decisive elements, to be considered with great attention to understand the future of this sector. Italy works at the forefront on these issues, aware of the transversal role of “cooling” in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals. Already at the COP28 in Dubai, under the Presidency of the United Arab Emirates, Italy joined the “Global Cooling Pledge”. Our country is also a partner of the “Climate and Clean Air Coalition”, with which together with FAO, UNEP and the Ozone Secretariat it prepared a report on the sustainable cold chain in 2022 with recommendations addressed to Governments and institutions on environmental sustainability along the cold chain. The “Venaria Charter”, the outcome of this year’s G7 negotiation work, presents ambitious convergences on this topic. The Seven Countries have in fact welcomed the “Global Cooling Pledge”, committing themselves to “work together with the aim of reducing cooling related emissions across all sectors by the least 68 percent globally relative to 2022 levels by 2050”. At the same time, the G7 in Venaria Reale committed to “maintaining a high level of ambition to sistematically implement the Global Cooling Pledge and strengthen relevant existing initiatives delivering sustainable cooling in order to achieve both climate mitigation and adaptation”.

In this context, the “Venaria Charter” clearly states that the G7 countries continue “to strongly support a robust implementation of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol worldwide and to taking and supporting through the Multilateral Fund early actions to reduce HFC consumption and maintaining and/or enhancing the energy efficiency of replacement technologies and equipment in the manufacturing and servicing sectors while phasing down HFCs”. I would also like to remind you that on 24 February the new FGAS regulation was published in the Official Journal of the EU, which contributes to the objective of reducing emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050, accelerating the transition towards natural refrigerants.

We find ourselves in a phase of very strong attention to the topic, in which the international community wants to follow up on the great success of the Montreal Protocol and work towards the implementation of the Kigali amendment. Italy is an active part of this process: as President of the G7, confirmed its commitment to leading change.

Gilberto Pichetto Fratin

Degree in Economics and Commerce – University of Turin
Professional activity:
• Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor – Studio in Biella
• Member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Biella
• Registered in the Register of Auditors
• Business consultant in the corporate, tax, business and professional sectors, Mayor
and Statutory Auditor for Companies and Auditor of Local Authorities
• Former Accounting Teacher at the I.T.C. “AND. Bona” of Biella, and of Banking Technology
and Commercial at the I.T.C. “C. Cavour” in Vercelli

Political activity:
 From 1975 to 1980 Municipal councilor of Gifflenga (Bi).
 From 1981 to 1985 member of the Management Committee of Local Health Unit 48
 From 1985 to 1994 Deputy Mayor of Biella with responsibilities for Sport, Tourism, Transport and
toponymy until 1992 and subsequently with delegations to Urban Planning and Construction
 In 1995 elected to the Regional Council on the Forza Italia list in the constituency of
Biella, president of the 1st Commission and in 1997 appointed Regional Councilor of
Industry, Crafts and Commerce.
 In 2000 elected to the Regional Council and appointed councilor with responsibilities for Industry,
Work, New economy, Professional training, Coordination of policies and funds Community, International Affairs, Domestic and Foreign Trade and – since 2001 – appointed
also skills in budget and finance, personnel and its organisation,
Programming, Efficiency Policies, Management Control. In 2005 elected for
third time in the Regional Council on the Forza Italia list and, from June 2006 to December
2007 Vice President of the Regional Council.
 In the XVI legislature (2008-2013) elected to the Senate of the Republic on the list of “Il
People of freedom”. He was secretary of the Fifth Permanent Commission
Economic planning, Budget, since 2010 Leader of the People’s Group
Libertà and also member of the XI Permanent Commission on Work,
Social Security, and the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the phenomenon of
accidents at work, with particular regard to the so-called “unrelated deaths”.
 On 20 March 2013 – during the IX legislature – he was appointed Vice President of the
Piedmont Region with responsibilities for budget and finance, economic-financial planning, heritage, legal and litigation.
 In 2014, candidate for President of the Piedmont Region for Forza Italia, elected in
Regional Council from his “Centre Right for Pichetto” list and Forza Italia group leader
in the Piedmont Region until 2018.
 In the XVIII legislature (2018) elected to the Senate of the Republic on the Forza Italia lists
in Piedmont in the single-member constituency of Biella-Vercelli. He was treasurer of the Group
Forza Italia Berlusconi President-UDC and held the position of Group Leader for Forza
Italy in the Budget Committee until 1 March 2021.
 On 1 March 2021 he was appointed Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Development
Economy of the Draghi Government.
 On 15 April 2021 the decree of the Minister of Development is published in the Gazette
economic who assigns the following delegations:
– functions relating to industrial policy, policies for small and medium-sized enterprises,
to the defense industry, business incentives, as well as initiatives and activities
relating to Made in Italy and creative industries, trade and self-service e
to craftsmanship;
– initiatives and activities relating to the universal postal service and the postal market, to
matters of insurance services, insurance legislation, relationships
with IVASS and the supervision of CONSAP funds;
– the discussion and implementation of initiatives in matters relating to the market and protection
and the promotion of competition and legislation on liberalization, administrative simplification, consumer policies, supervision and regulations
technical, as well as supervision of the Chambers of Commerce, their unions and special companies,
Unioncamere and chamber system;
– activities relating to the fight against counterfeiting, as well as institutional coordination on the matter
at an international level, the promotion and valorisation of industrial property rights,
patents and trademarks and the initiatives and policies aimed at bringing the world of research closer together
that of businesses.
 On 15 April 2021 he was awarded the title of Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Development
Economy of the Draghi Government.
 On 13 May 2021 he was appointed by decree of the Minister of Economic Development
President of the National Council of Consumers and Users, position reconfirmed
also subsequently with ministerial decree of 3 March 2022.
 On 8 July 2022 he was designated member of the National Observatory for Integration
of policies for gender equality by the Minister of Economic Development in
representation of the Ministry itself.
During his mandate, on the basis of the delegations assigned to him, he followed numerous related issues
particularly to the automotive sector, trade and industrial policies. To this end it has
chaired various thematic tables that addressed the various sectors for constant comparison
active and proactive with all interested stakeholders.
He also worked to define an industrial policy strategy aimed at identifying the
necessary measures for the relaunch of the country and the Piedmont area, taking into account
consideration for the latter, the advantage of making use of the potential of the territory in terms
of existing scientific skills, infrastructures and professionalism, from universities to businesses,
to workers.
 In the XIX Legislature he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, in the Multi-member College
Piedmont 02.